Fitness Focus: 9 Tips to Stay Healthy in Winter

Our bodies go through lots of changes during the winter season. Because of the holiday season, we often gorge on foods that aren’t necessarily the healthiest for us, which can cause our bodies to react negatively. Plus, there are so many things that we need to deal with, from buying presents for our loved ones to organizing holiday dinners, all of this can make us forget about exercising regularly and eating properly.

Furthermore, when the holidays are over, many of us hesitate to get back to the sport and healthy diet, simply because we’re demotivated. Because we cease to exercise and because we tend to overeat, we’re not as eager to do things, which can be problematic in the long run. In this article, you’ll find a list of simple things you need to do in order to get back on track quickly and easily.

1. Eat your leafy greens

Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, spinach contain loads of vitamins, including A, C, K, which are essential to a healthy body . If you’re not a fan of the greens mentioned above, you can always opt for more exciting and unusual options, such as dandelion greens or kale.

2. Call a friend

We are psychosomatic animals, which means that our mental state often depends on how we feel physically. When we’re ill, we’re usually not in the mood to see other people. But the truth is that getting out there for a while an unwinding will do you a world of good.

A good night’s out will help you “snap out of it” a lot quicker than if you would have spent the night in. Contact a person that is near and dear to your heart and spend some time on the phone with them.

3. Diet and Exercise

While the colder months of the year might undoubtedly increase the danger for weather-related illnesses, the most significant risk to a healthy body in the winter is an unbalanced diet and a total lack of a minimal workout routine. Christmas and the New Year ticks everything off of our responsibility lists, while we prioritize gorging on unhealthy food and giving exercise a break.

Not quitting your workout routines and maintaining a suitable diet plan is vital to keeping diseases away. Around a fifth of the US population will catch a cold this winter, but there are a few things you can do to avoid that. Here’s what you can improve your diet to better your immune function:

• Don’t eat too many carbohydrates

• Don’t skip on Omega 3’s

• Eat more mushrooms

• Spice things up with some condiments

4. Ditch your meds for natural supplements

Researchers have long been studying the efficacy of nutritional supplements in combating the flu, colds, URTIs and other seasonal illnesses. Below you’ll find a list of natural supplements that will help you treat the vast majority of seasonal diseases, they will also make a significant contribution to preventing those.

Garlic Allicin, is a very healthy nutrient that is considered to possess antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Opt for eating garlic two or three times a week to boost your immune system.

Ginseng This plant will also help boost your immune function. You can make tea with it, and even take it as a supplement in a capsule. Take 200-400mg of ginseng supplements right after you’ve had your first meal of the day.

Probiotics These compounds help increase the function of the digestive system and ensure strong health. Choose Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium supplements, they’re going to strengthen your immune system and stimulate digestive function.

5. Boost Your Vitamin D Levels

As the amount of sun you’re getting decreases with the onset of autumn and winter vitamin D levels in your body decrease. Vitamin D is critical to a host of bodily functions, and it plays an essential role in your . Once neglected, a vitamin D deficiency can cause depression and mood swings.

Since this vitamin is synthesized by your body when in contact with the sun, the slow decrease in the amount of sunlight you’re getting will undoubtedly have an effect of your “D” levels. A lack of light can lead to some serious consequences and health risks in the long run and depression and anxiety in the short term.

6. Disinfect the things you use regularly

There is a large number of objects that are germ factories, and many of those will come as a surprise. A couple of examples?

• Restaurant menus

• Kitchen sponges

• Ice

• Pillows

• Showerheads

• Mobile phones

This is just a small bunch of the humongous list of objects we’re in contact with on a daily basis that is home to ridiculous amounts of germs. Wipe them with antibacterial tissues or just opt for using an antibacterial regularly, especially, when your immune system is weakening due to avitaminosis.

7. Stay hydrated

Our bodies consist of 70% water, so hydrating your body regularly is to strong health. Failing to hydrate on time can often result in unpleasant outcomes, such as headaches and nausea. Although you can get over these symptoms, staying dehydrated on a regular basis can have an adverse effect on your health.

Replenishing your water needs ensures that your mucous membranes stay moist, which will eventually help your immune system work properly. Just drinking liquid doesn’t really do the trick. If you’re planning to hydrate yourself with beer or macchiatos — tough luck. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. You’ll feel the effect in the long run.

8. Don’t stress it

Stress isn’t entirely bad for us. Sometimes it can be beneficial to our bodies. But like anything in life, any excess will have an adverse effect. Long-term stress weakens our immune system, which makes it harder to combat weather-related illnesses, especially in the winter, when we’re often lacking a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins. There are many simple ways of calming down. You could enjoy a hot bath, maybe do some cardio exercise, go for a walk in the woods, just make sure you do something to calm your mind.

Stress is associated with a large number of daily activities that we have to go through. So whenever you feel too tired to do your homework or write a lengthy report for work, you can always choose to delegate than to professionals, instead of postponing it. There are now many , that can get writing assessments done professionally.


Staying healthy in the cold months of late autumn and winter isn’t all that complicated. The essential part of it all is simply supplementing with the right products and exercising before you feel that your health is going downhill. Avoid stress, do some exercise, drink enough water, sanitize the objects you use, and take some vitamin D supplements.

The vast majority of these recommendations are reasonably easy to implement in your daily life, especially if integrated slowly. There’s no shame in losing track of your healthy food habits during Christmas and New Year’s. However, if you’ve spotted that your healthy diet has gone out the window, simply start with these suggestions and work your way into a healthy and more fulfilling regimen. Good luck!

Author s Bio: Daniela McVicker is an editor for and . She is also an experienced writer with a degree in social psychology from Durham University. Daniela is primarily focused on writing about self-improvement. She has authored a number of insightful and motivating articles like “Making The Right Choices Every Day” and “7 Steps To Open Yourself To New Opportunities Possibilities
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